
Fork lift driver at ABB Robotics and ABB LVS (summer jobs 2006-2008)

Worked as a forklift driver at ABB, and got a good understanding of how modern production in Sweden works.

  • 2007: ABB Robotics
  • 2008-2009: ABB LVS

Started my own company; Treplex

Triplex Design changes name to Treplex, and the success continues. The company takes on projects such as KIAindex and Islands travel.

Triplex Design (Young Enterprise)

Three brains are merged with the business idea of making the web publishing easier for everyone. At the time when we started the company content management systems (CMS) were not that common, and many people were still hard coding html websites. We wanted to offer an alternative to that where regular people could keep their websites up to date without any coing skills. The company was a success and in the enterprise competition we qualified for the finals at Stockholmsmässan, where we managed to get a 2nd place (in the competition for best website).