
Om mig

I'm an MSC graduate from Chalmers at the program Automation and Mechatronics which is an education in the borderland between machine-, electrical and computer engineering. My focus druing the master program was in Systems, Control and Mechatronics. My thesis was on Cpac Systems where I work with programming embedded software for marine applications. To my areas of work include system development, mechanical, circuit board design and wireless communication.

A great interest of mine has been computers and programming. In high school it was not hard to find classmates who shared this interest and soon I had two companions to start a business with. The company is today called Treplex and we are great at building web sites, web applications and advertising matter. In short, most things related to programming and design.

I now work for Volvo Penta Australia as a software engineer. My responsibilities include making sure software issues are resolved as quickly as possible. I also work with developing future functionality.

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(to projects, startups, employment, ...)


Connectivity and Volvo Construction Equipment

I am doing software development for Volvo Construction Equipment and their Efficient Load Out product suite. Efficient Load Out is a digital solution which connects machine operators, truck drivers and site managers in real-time to maximize the profitability and sustainability

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2022 to now

Our game Bananpiren has launched!

After years of inactive development I have decided to release the game I made together with my brother; Bananpiren. It is a game where you control a banana boat in Gothenburg. Your task is to transport as many banana crates

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mar, 2019

Over-the-air updates via Bluetooth LE (4.0) on Volvo Penta EasyConnect

I implemented over-the-air updates (OAD) of Volvo Pentas Bluetooth interface. This allows the user to update the Volvo Penta hardware from their mobile phone app. Quite cool.

Mid 2018

Website: education.strawbees.com

Previously I worked with programming a new website for strawbees.com, and the second project was to create a similar website to a new target group; educators. To separate the education site from the retail site we divided them on two subdomains. Layout

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Late 2016

Working on a game in Unity3D

Together with my brother we are creating a game for iOS, Android, Mac and Windows. Currently a work in progress but it is starting to be rather fun and challanging gameplay. Computer graphics is done by my brother; Jonathan Nilsson at Crocoraff.com.

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feb, 2017

Cross platform mobile app for Volvo Penta Easy Connect interface

Volvo Penta has commited to implement better connectivity functionality. Part of this was the release of Easy Connect. An app which lets boat users connect to their vessel via Bluetooth. I developed the proof-of-concept and then continued as one of the developers in getting this product to market. I was responsible for the initial requirement specification, choice of development platform and the continuous implementation of new features and bugfixes. We decided to develop the app in Xamarin to get cross platform (iOS and Android) with a shared code base. Looking back it was the right decision.

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Website: Strawbees.com

Together with the briliant mind of studiooddball we created a refreshed website for Strawbees; a Swedish toy company. She did the design and I did all the programming. Some features: Online store Driven by WordPress, PHP and MySQL Custom javascript to showcase

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Late 2016

Website: Lumlyx.com

In colaboration with Studio Oddball, I made a simple yet functional WordPress website for Lumlyx. The website is made with responsiveness in mind to make sure it is usable on mobile devices. Check it out at lumlyx.com

Early 2017

Cpac Systems: Rapid prototyping

Rapid prototyping is a great way of researching concepts for new products. Recently I got the task of making a proof-of-concept for a Bluetooth device that needed to communicate with smart phones. In a matter of weeks I could present

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Late 2016

Cpac Systems: Automated build environment

I have been responsible for automating a large portion of the software build environment for Cpac Systems marine products. Basically new software is built by an automated build server every time someone commits new code to the software repository, but

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2016 - now

Cpac Systems: Inventor in patent applications

When developing new features for marine applications now and then I have the opportunity to work with solving complex problems. Sometimes the solution to those problems are sufficiently good to be patented. I have written numerous internal innovation declarations and a few

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2016 - 2017

Cpac Systems: Automatic Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) tests

I like automating boring tasks, and one of them sometimes is integration testing. At Cpac Systems I have been writing scripts and configuring hardware for automatic testing of Electronic Control Units (ECUs). Basically connecting the essential control units for running a

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2015 - now

Cpac Systems: Programming for outboard steering and propulsion systems

The project involved solving complex problems and also lots of boat testing around the world (Sweden, Japan and the US). My main tasks were to implement software algorithms, and as a side project I also developed a boat simulator to reduce time

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2015 - 2016

Cpac Systems: Personal involvement in academia connections

Collaboration between industry and academia is something I consider important. From mid 2016 to now I have been the contact person between a vehicle simulation group at Chalmers University of Technology. I also try to attend student fairs where Cpac Systems

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2015 - now

Chalmers Formula Student Management group 2014

With the aim to become better at leading projects I applied and got accepted to the Management group for Chalmers Formula Student. I got project management leadership education from Mats Fredriksson and led a small group of people in the

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jan, 2014

Cpac Systems: Programming dongles and interfaces for marine networks

When different systems need to exchange data but their protocols differ, then an interface is a solution. For some months I was doing embedded C programming of dongles and interfaces for marine network communication busses (CAN).


Chalmers Courses 2013

Mechatronic design Embedded control systems Nonlinear and adaptive control Simulation of production systems

jan, 2013

Realtidsplotter in Arduino

I programmed a sort of oscilloscope to troubleshoot sensors. The idea is to send real time sensor data to a computer and thus more easily set parameters to control loops. The code is open sourced and has spread in microprocessor

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jan, 2013

Realtime data plotter

Debugging sensors on a microprocessor can be a hassle and the most used approach is to output the sensor values to a serial monitor. Realtime plotting is a better and more visual way of doing the same thing. Real-time plotter of

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dec, 2013

Selfbalancing Lego robot

As a part of the Embedded Control Systems course we( Brian Bonafelia, Nicklas Gustafsson, Per Nyman och jag) got a task of programming a self balancing robot in Lego Mindstorms (NXT). The benefit of using Lego from a control theoretical

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maj, 2013

Chalmers Formula Student 2013

Applied to and got accepted to the subgroup Vehicle Electronics to build Chalmers contribution to Formula Student in England and Germany. I designed the electronic architecture in the car, designed and manufactured circuit boards, programmed and wired electronics.

jan, 2013

Formula Student Germany

Perhaps the world's best engineering competition for students. 6e plats i design, 5e i endurance, 4e i AutoX, 3(a) for Business plan = > 4e total.

jan, 2013


Over a period of time I ran a web shop that sold sensors, microprocessors and electronics in general.

jan, 2012

Self-balancing robot

A self balancing is the perfect example of an unstable system that can be made stable with control theory. During a summer break, I started longing back to Chalmers and therefore designed and programmed this robot.


Jag har nu öppnat källkoden för mitt projekt med RaspberryPi och Västtrafik-monitor. Dessutom har jag lagt till en väderfunktion. Och så en länk till själva applikationen. En idé kan vara att bokmärka denna i telefonen för att få tabelltider för

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jul, 2012

Chalmers Courses 2012

Modelling and simulation Discrete event systems Nonlinear and adaptive control Linear control system design, Applied signal processing

jan, 2012

Home automation

Home automation is fascinating and I programmed my own system to control lights, tv, audio, computer, music and coffee machine.

jan, 2012

Chalmers Course: Bachelor Thesis

I did an interesting thesis that in short was to program a robot cell for studding of tires.

jan, 2011

Ny hemsida till Finsk-Svenska Handelskammaren

Vi har haft nöjet och äran att göra om Finsk-svenska handelskammarens hemsida. Det är en knytpunkt för finska företag som ska etablera sig på den svenska marknaden. Finsk-svenska handelskammaren grundades år 1936 som ett resultat av obalans i handeln mellan

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Chalmers Courses 2011

Human machine systems Work organization (organization of production systems)

Miseto AB

During a sabbatical from Chalmers University of technology, I was using to found and operate the Miseto AB together with Tobias Eidem and Mikael Karlsson. Misetos business concept was to sell internet surveys and company had the most 5 employees.



My idea was to take the music that is played on the radio and convert these into playlists to Spotify. Spotifyspindeln was born.

jan, 2010

Treplex: Flyttgubbarna.se

Project for Treplex. Website programming for a company helping people move appartments.

Website: Lustkonst.se

Project with Treplex. Programmed and designed.

Treplex: Presentation to Microsoft

Project for Treplex. Designed and layout of a big PowerPoint presentation for a client working at Microsoft.

jan, 2010

Treplex: Mjölkeröd website

Project for Treplex. Website programming.

jan, 2010

Treplex: Ads to Islands travel

Project for Treplex. Ads to Islands travel  

Chalmers Courses 2010

Solid mechanics and machine elements Materials- and Manufacturing Automatic Control Z Mathematical Statistics System Design Industrial automation Industrial Economics and community development


Treplex: Islandsresor

Updated their website, designed advertisements for newspapers and also a lot of banner ads (flash).

jan, 2009

Chalmers Courses 2009

Maskinorienterad programming Linear algebra Electrical circuits Object-oriented programming (Java) Environmental engineering and electrical energy Flervariabelmatematik Sensors, Signals and Systems, (15p) Mechanics

Treplex: Swetex

Swetex needed to move his massive paper catalog on the Web.


En anledning till de problem som fanns med den tidigare webbplatsen var att väldigt många ville komma åt webbplatsen samtidigt under en kort tidperiod. Med snabbhet som högsta prioritet har webbplatsen skrivits om från grunden. Server cache: Grundtanken har varit

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Website: Dinomvärld.se

Programmed a news website for a client.

jan, 2008

Website: Bitos

Project for Treplex. Programmed and designed of a website.

Beginning the journey towards an engineering degree at Chalmers University of Technology

One of the best decisions I have taken (so far) was leaving Västerås to start the journey towards civilingejör.

Chalmers Courses 2008

Introduction to automation and Mechatronics Introductory math Z Digital and computer technology Mathematical analysis in one variable

ABB industrial high school

Graduated with a final grade of 19,3 (maximum 20) and 3300 points. Projects and entrepreneurship, 50 Computer Knowledge, 50 Programming A, 50 Industrial drive systems, 100 Elkompetens (A), 50 Electricity (A)/(B), 50+50 English A/B/C, 100+100+100 Digital Technology A/B, 50+50 Electronics fundamentals,

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Website: Yacht Charter

Project for Treplex. Programming and website design.

Treplex merges brain power with NthDesign

When website projects became too large and I would not have been able to take on them alone. The cooperation with my classmate Nicklas Gustafsson became very successful and together we could take more interesting projects.


Fork lift driver at ABB Robotics and ABB LVS (summer jobs 2006-2008)

Worked as a forklift driver at ABB, and got a good understanding of how modern production in Sweden works. 2007: ABB Robotics 2008-2009: ABB LVS

jan, 2007

Triplex Design (Young Enterprise)

Three brains are merged with the business idea of making the web publishing easier for everyone. At the time when we started the company content management systems (CMS) were not that common, and many people were still hard coding html

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International internship at ABB Transformers

Three weeks-long international internship at ABB Transformers in Bad Honnef, Germany. Mostly CAD work.

feb, 2007

Started my own company; Treplex

Triplex Design changes name to Treplex, and the success continues. The company takes on projects such as KIAindex and Islands travel.

jan, 2007