
Our game Bananpiren has launched!

After years of inactive development I have decided to release the game I made together with my brother; Bananpiren. It is a game where you control a banana boat in Gothenburg. Your task is to transport as many banana crates as possible. Give it a try!

The game was my first game project in Unity3D. Great fun creating a game, but even a very simple game like this took more time than I would like to admit to finish. Let's see if I ever make a second one. Maybe if this one becomes a great success.

Enable dark mode on your website with CSS

Dark mode is getting more and more popular. It is easier on the eyes and especially when working late. Both Windows and MacOS support setting the color scheme to a darker tint, but the websites we visit stay the same. But that might be about to change with a new CSS standard.

I added this CSS code on this website:

/* dark mode */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    background: #111;
    color: #fff;

  #header h1#logo a {
    color: #fff;

What it means is that if the user prefers dark mode, invert the colors and make the background dark, and the text white. It looks like this if you navigate to the site using using a browser that supports this new feature, and if you have dark mode enabled in your OS:

Support for this feature is at the moment quite low. Only the latest versions of Safari and Firefox supports it, but it looks like it will make the standard so more or less every browser will support it in a while.

Setup free VPN between Windows and Ubuntu Linux computers


Diagrammatic representation of Internet VPN (Originally uploaded by Ludovic via Privacy Canada) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_network

Use case, say that you have a corporate server that you want team members to access. Maybe it is running a build server (Jenkins) and source control repository (GitLab). Instead of publishing these services on the web we can keep them in a local network and then add access to them via a VPN; Virtual Private Network.

I use DynVPN and netvirt-agent. It was a bit tricky to get it working on Ubuntu linux so I decided to share the config:

sudo apt-get install supervisor
sudo nano /etc/init.d/netvirt-agent
sudo supervisorctl reread
sudo supervisorctl reload
sudo supervisorctl status

Change "sebnil" to your user.

Getting it running on Windows is much easier:


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